Wednesday, 5 October 2011

Bully Awareness Training

Bully Awareness Training is being offered to organisations throughout the world by KairoS TraininG SolutionS, based in Northern Ireland. The Director has conducted university research into this phenomenon for his Master's degree, and is very well equipped academically to deliver such essential training.

In addition, he was the target of workplace bullying on at least two occasions, so knows from painful and costly personal experience what this is like, and what it does to the individual and to his/her family.  Thankfully, he not only survived, but has, since 1995, been providing support services for the victims of bullying, and has designed and delivered training for organisations in this traumatic and delicate area of employment life.  Further, you can find more information on workplace bullying by clicking this link.

Linked in with the workplace bullying matter, is the need for an understanding of reconciliation issues.  Here Dr Lynch is extremely well qualified and experienced in providing support for those who have been traumatised in a variety of ways, not least by the terrorist campaign that still lives and thrives in Northern Ireland. His M.Phil. research degree was carried out into understanding the dynamics that surround reconciliation.  In the workplace bullying scenario, there is always the need, and sometimes the scope, for reconciliation.

These two major achievements equip KairoS TraininG SolutionS well to deliver services that will address, in a sensitive and professional manner, these prevailing issues.  All training will be in English, so translation services will be required if training is to be in the local language. 

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