Wednesday 5 October 2011

Work Shouldn't Hurt!

Work is the divinely appointed means of providing for, at least, our basic needs. Work gives a real sense of personal self-worth, self-respect and dignity to the worker. It is good for us, and, despite the normal frustrations that accompany it, work should be most enjoyable. We should look forward to going to our place of employment and feel a level of contentment and even excitement and anticipation about going there to work.

But unfortunately, that is not the experience of all employees. For more than half of the work- places in the UK (and there's no hood reason to assume thermite situation is different in other countries), bullies operate with impunity. They have turned what promised to be enjoyable life experience into a veritable battleground.

The truth is that school bullying may and does catch the media's headlines, and on rare occasions you will find workplace bully under the spotlight; but where the world's spotlight does not shine, there lies an altogether reality. For in the secret place, the pain and feelings of degradation caused by corporate bully shatters lives everywhere. The reality of corporate bullying is now recognised as one of the business world's dirtiest secrets.

The report below exposes the destructive, silent epidemic that devastates the lives, careers, health, and families of millions. Bullies lurk in almost every organisation - the civil service, banking and other financial services, nursing, teaching, charitable organisations, the church - in fact, anywhere where people are to be found.

They are usually a 'protected' species, having the support of more senior managers. In turn, they have their 'buddies' in the office, very often the office junior, who fills them in with information about work colleagues.

It could be argued that where management quite openly protects another member of staff, even when that member has committed a sackable offence, the warning lights should go on to alert you that there is a 'protected' member of staff in the office, a mole, a 'double agent.' This person is the "eyes and ears" of the bully, that power-hungry employer who really does love his position.

The net effect of all this is that lives are being ruined before our very eyes. It's not so much that employees feel overworked and under-appreciated, as that they experience fear, humiliation, shame, and the consequent loss of dignity that originated at work. It is also true the these negative emotions creep their way into other aspects of life, affecting all other relationships, not least the marriage and family.

Bullying at work is nothing if it is not traumatic. To find out more, please click the link below.


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